How can our users access a discount offer in the PerkPlusUSA Program?
When you sign up your organization or group, you are assigned a Group ID. Circulate that among your group and they can login and access the offers available to our members. There is no charge to a company, organization or group and no charge to a user.
How Relevant are the Discounts and Offers presented in the PerkPlusUSA Platform?
PerkPlusUSA presents discounts and offers in many of the top spending categories. According to the US Census, the top spending categories that comprise the average American’s household budget including Retail Shopping, Dining, Automotive, Consumer Services, and Recreation and Entertainment. We cover these and many more.
How “special” are the offers and how deep are the Discounts offered in the PerkPlusUSA platform?
PerkPlusUSA presents persistent member discount offers from several of our partners. They provide deep discounts that remain on our sites for our members. We also continuously presents current offers from local advertisers who want to present their business to our members. Those discounts vary and change from time to time as advertisers try to offer you the best value they can.
What types of merchants offer discounts in the PerkPlusUSA Platform?
PerkPlusUSA provides discount offers from national and local merchants, in selected categories. (see our Deal Navigator, to view the current categories). Many of these discount offers are always available to members. Our platform also provides access to lots of other offers from advertisers in the categories most requested by our consumers. These offers grow and change frequently and often include special offers only available for a short time.
Who is PerkPlusUSA?
PerkPlusUSA is a digital publication of LifeWise Digital, Inc. LifeWise publishes a variety of mobile applications and web platforms that provide deals, offers, and information to users. PerkPlusUSA.com and all of our other publications are dedicated to putting the user back in charge of the content they see on-line. We are dedicated to avoiding SPAM. We are dedicated to finding the best deals for our users, and we are committed to sharing the money that merchants pay to present their offers to our users.